Some cycles are as clear as day and night, some barely perceptible--
amplitudes great and small-- frequencies high and low.
Is everything cyclical? I do not know. Energy Love Faith The important things are.
Like a child playing peek-a-boo, it is all in front of me one moment gone the next. Joy fills my heart when, like a mother’s face, it all returns.
The seasons teach us that after every winter there is a spring and summer and that after every summer winter returns. This gives perspective to every moment. We choose what to savor. The story goes that Solomon asked an artisan to inscribe words in the king’s ring that would be true in good times and in bad. The artisan inscribed, “This too shall pass.”
May you savor each moment for what it offers and not dwell on what it lacks.
May you, in times of bounty, fill the storehouse of your heart—like Joseph—with that which will sustain you in leaner times.
May you always see the horizon of a new dawn that propels you toward light, life, love, joy and peace.