We all have a story. Leaving it for others may or may not be important. Acknowledging it ourselves—huge.
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There are many ways to tell the story—part of it that is.
All the pages in the world won’t tell it fully. And like a simple poem even a few ciphers tell volumes beyond their measure.
Time will erase all our words soon enough. I choose to forestall the inevitable, to chisel my thoughts in paper and electronic tablet, marvel briefly at my works.
A cabinet stacked with journals that may never be read— what makes me write them? the same force that moves this pen in this moment, that sprung me out of bed at four o’clock this morning, those momentous flashes— those sparkling gifts of God— easier to ignore than to embrace— that may never return— lest I spear them with my pen, corral them in these pages.
May you add meaning to every day by observing and treasuring the little fragments of your life that bring texture and richness to the whole.
May the marks you scribe give you perspective, insight, acceptance, and appreciation of who you are and what you have done.
May you be blessed to deliver your message to yourself and the world.