The proclamation of the young Hebrew nation on receiving the Law at Sinai has always appealed to me. Nike only picked up on half of it. “Just do it,” is powerful, but lacks vision.
At Sinai we recognized that we had no choice but to say “Yes” when God offered the Torah, and that it meant little to us at that point in our evolution as a people. The best we could say is that with some practice it might one day make some sense.
“I hear you, man.” became a popular response a generation ago. It was "I can dig it" with empathy. It added to mere understanding a connection to the person being understood. I hear you.
Hearing God seems unlikely to many, if not most of us.
Study, prayer, and acts of loving-kindness are the “doing” that lead to the “hearing.” “Not doing” most assuredly leads to “not hearing” and more “not doing.”
May your deeds—your doing—lead you to a new level of awareness, understanding, and empathy—your being—that connects you in surprising ways to the Eternal.
May you experience the power of the words “mitzvah goreret mitzvah”—one righteous deed leading to another.