As I sit here in the park, the serenity of this Sunday morning, alone with a gentle breeze, dappled sunlight beneath the trees, birds chirping in all directions—suddenly interrupted by a Sheltie named Rusty who comes sniffing at my knees. A neighbor walks up at the same time and starts chatting with the dog’s owner, just a few feet away. They are spoiling my moment... or... they are creating an opportunity. Either interpretation is available to me. On another day I might allow myself to be perturbed, to stalk away to a quieter location, letting these “disturbing” people know how rude they have been, ultimately discovering, after relocating, that the disturbance has come with me, that restoring quiet around me has done nothing to nurture quiet inside me. Thank God, this morning I have opened my heart to the Universe and allowed myself the great gift of learning from whatever is, as opposed to my interpretation of what should be.
Disturbance is what creates pearls in oysters.
Disturbance is a natural condition.
We inflict unnecessary pain upon ourselves and others by resisting disturbance rather than recognizing it without attachment.
May you have the strength, wisdom, and creativity to use the disturbance you face to enrich your life and the lives of others.